What To Expect
We believe that obtaining a well fitting prosthesis is vital to cosmetic restoration. A prosthesis can dramatically improve the patient’s attitude and self-confidence. This is especially true for children and teenagers. At Mayo Ocular Prosthetics, the ocularist is experienced in various fitting techniques; however, the patient’s visit with us will be very similar to the process described below.
First, an impression of the socket is taken using a soft conforming material called alginate. This procedure is short and painless. The shape is then duplicated (in wax or plastic) and adjustments are made as necessary for proper fit, curvature and gaze alignment. This model will be used to create a master mold for casting the acrylic prosthesis.
Next, the iris color is hand painted to match the companion eye. Several coats of paint are necessary to accurately match the colors found in the human iris. The iris is painted from the direct observation of the patient. The painted iris piece is then casted in white plastic inside of the mold.
Then the sclera, or the white of the eye, is painted using the proper scleral tones. Red silk treads are cemented on simulating the vein pattern in the retained eye.
Finally, the painted eye is covered in clear plastic, which completely seals in the paint and veins. The prosthesis is then polished to a perfectly smooth finish and the prosthesis is ready to be placed into the eye socket.